
Conquer Your Fear of the Dentist with Sedation Dentistry

By Dover Family Dentistry

Are you one of those people who dread going to the dentist? Do you get anxious just thinking about sitting in the dental chair and having your teeth worked on? If so, you’re not alone. Fear of visiting a dentist is a common phobia affecting millions worldwide. But fear no more! With sedation dentistry, you can conquer your fear and enjoy stress-free visits to the dentist. In this blog post, we’ll explore how sedation dentistry works and why it’s an excellent option for anyone struggling with anxiety or phobias related to dental procedures. So please sit back, relax, and let us help you overcome your dental fears!

Source : Gina L. Salatino DMD, FAGD

What is Sedation Dentistry?

  • If the thought of going to the dentist sends you into a panic, sedation dentistry may be a good option for you. Sedation dentistry is a way to help patients relax during dental procedures. It can be used for everything from routine cleanings to more complex procedures.
  • Different types of sedation can be used, and your dentist will work with you to determine the best type for your needs. The most common type of sedation is nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is inhaled through a mask and helps to relax you while allowing you to remain awake and aware.
  • Sedation dentistry can help ease your fears and make your dental experience more comfortable. Talk to your dentist about whether sedation dentistry is right for you.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

  • Sedation dentistry can be a godsend for people who experience anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist. It can also benefit those with special needs or disabilities that make it difficult to sit still in the dental chair. And sedation dentistry can make lengthy dental procedures more bearable. 
  • Different types of sedation are available, and your dentist will help you choose 

the one that’s right for you based on your level of anxiety, medical history, and the type of procedure being performed. 

Some of the benefits of sedation dentistry include: 

Reduced anxiety and fear: Sedation can help you feel relaxed and calm during your dental procedure, even if you fear needles or a strong gag reflex. 

Minimally invasive procedures: In some cases, sedation dentistry can allow your dentist to perform minimally invasive procedures that wouldn’t be possible without. It means less time in the dental chair and fewer appointments overall. 

Fewer side effects: Local anesthesia numbs the area around your tooth but doesn’t help with anxiety or pain outside the numbed area. With sedation dentistry, you may experience minimal side effects, such as drowsiness or impaired motor skills, which will wear off soon after the procedure. 

Increased comfort: For lengthy procedures or multiple procedures done in one appointment, sedation can

Types of Sedation Dentistry

There are four main types of sedation dentistry: oral sedation, inhaled sedation (nitrous oxide), IV sedation, and general anesthesia. Each type of sedation has its benefits and risks. 

  • Oral Sedation: Oral sedatives are taken by mouth in pill form. The most common oral sedative used for dental procedures is Valium. Oral sedatives can provide a moderate level of anxiety relief and make you feel drowsy. The effects of oral sedatives can last up to six hours. 
  • Inhaled Sedation: Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose during dental procedures. Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective way to relieve anxiety and make you feel more comfortable during dental procedures. However, the effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly once the mask is removed. 
  • IV Sedation: IV sedation is administered through a small needle placed in your arm. IV sedation can provide a deep level of relaxation and make you feel disconnected from the dental procedure. The effects of IV sedation typically last 30-60 minutes after the needle is removed. 
  • General Anesthesia: General anesthesia is a medically induced coma used for complex dental procedures or for patients who have severe anxiety about dental procedures. General anesthesia carries more risks than other types of sedation dentistry, but it provides the deepest level of relaxation.

Who Can Benefit from this Dentistry?

  • Sedation dentistry can help people who experience anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist. It can also benefit people with special needs or those who have difficulty getting numb.
  • Sedation dentistry can help you feel more relaxed during your dental appointment. It can make it easier to get through procedures that would otherwise be difficult or uncomfortable.

If you have anxiety or fear about visiting the dentist, sedation dentistry could be a good option. But first, talk to your dentist about whether sedation is right for you.

Tips for Managing Dental Anxiety during a Non-Sedative Appointment

It’s no secret that many people feel nervous or anxious when visiting the dentist. Dental anxiety is one of the most common reasons people avoid attending the dentist. If you’re one of those people who get anxious at the thought of a dental appointment, sedation dentistry may be a good option for you.

However, if you’re not interested in sedation dentistry or can’t afford it, there are still ways to manage your dental anxiety during a non-sedative appointment. 

Here are a few tips:

1. Communicate with your dentist: Let them know why you feel anxious. It will help them understand your situation and make accommodations accordingly.

2. Distract yourself: Bring a book, listen to music, or focus on your breathing to 

help take your mind off what’s happening.

3. Use relaxation techniques: Practice deep breathing or visualization before your appointment to help keep yourself calm.

4. Ask questions: Be bold and ask your dentist questions about their actions and why. It will help you feel more in control and less anxious about the procedure.

5. Take breaks: If you feel overwhelmed, let your dentist know and take a brief break from the procedure. It’s important that you feel comfortable and safe throughout the process.

It is a great way for people afraid of going to the dentist to receive the care they need without fear. With sedation, you can relax in the chair while your dental work is completed and not worry about discomfort or pain. If you have been struggling with a fear of visiting the dentist, speak with your doctor today and find out if sedation dentistry could help make getting the dental care your mouth needs easier! Reach us today if you have any queries or need additional information regarding Sedation Dentistry!